Autumn 2: Week 2

Date: 10th Nov 2023 @ 12:24pm

We have certainly had a busy week! In English, we have continued to read Lost and Found. We received a letter from the little boy in the story asking us to give him advice about how he could help the penguin. The children thought of some excellent ideas and wrote a letter back to him. I was very impressed with how well they are beginning to use capital letters and full stops accurately, as well as conjunctions to join their ideas (and, so, because). In maths, we have finished our unit on addition and subtraction and the children have shown a secure understanding of these concepts. Next week, we will be starting to learn all about 2D and 3D shapes. 

The children have LOVED our Curiosity Cube this week and have asked some excellent questions about what was inside the cube, such as: Where do poppies come from? Did the soldiers die? Why are there poppies? Why do people wear poppies? These questions prompted excellent discussion when we were learning about Remembrance Day. The children enjoyed designing their own medals for the soldiers, painting their own poppies, designing poppies on Purple Mash, making poppies using cubes, and making trenches for the soldiers.