First week in Y5

Date: 8th Sep 2023 @ 1:59pm

What a fantastic week we have had! I have been extremely impressed with the pupil's positive attitudes and it has been great to see how excited they are to be back. We have made a great start with our learning in year 5 in English, maths, geography and more!

In English, the pupils have done some writing based on 'The Black Hat'. It is a mysterious story about a boy who finds a hat in the forest and magical things appear from it! In maths, we have been looking at place value of numbers up to 1, 000, 000. The pupils have practised reading and writing numbers, as well as representing them in different ways. Our Geography lessons this term are all about a small group of islands in Iceland called The Westman Islands. We have done lots of map work and have discussed the many regions of Iceland. I am very much looking forward to continuing our learning next week. The pupils have also had their first rugby lesson with Salford Red Devils and did some team building at the beginning of the week!