Week 7 - Ourselves - Looking After our Bodies

Date: 21st Oct 2023 @ 12:28am

For our final week this term we looked at how to look after our bodies and the importance of hygiene, exercise and eating healthy. 

We enjoyed the story 'Oliver's Fruit Salad' to help talk about fruit and other healthy food.

We enjoyed a hands on activity of brushing the teeth and washing the hands. 

In Maths we looked at sorting and how things can be sorted differently by colour, shape and size. 

We did some beautiful real life fruit paintings, thinking about using the correct colours, shape and adding details. 

We went into the Black History Month Celebration Assembly and shared our video all about Pablo Fanque, which I have also shared on Tapestry for you to also enjoy. 

We also began our toothbrushing programme this week, where we brush our teeth altogether after lunch.

Next half term we will be starting our new topic 'People Who Help Us'. 

I'm so impressed with the great half term Nursery have had and the progress we have made so far.

I am looking forward to the next term!