Spring 2: Week 1

Date: 27th Feb 2025 @ 7:16am

It has been wonderful to welcome the children back; they have been very excited and eager to learn.

In English, we have started to read the classic picture book Dogger, which the children are enjoying. They have written fabulous descriptions of Dogger using wonderful adjectives.

In maths, we have begun to explore numbers up to 50. With the use of diennes and place value counters, the children are showing a much deeper understanding of how many tens and ones make up the numbers.

We have started our history unit Great Explorers by learning about the greatest ever living explorer, Ranulph Fiennes. The children were fascinated to find out that he is the only person to reach the summit of Mount Everest on foot, as well as being the only person to travel by foot to the North and South Pole!

Spring is here! During the year, the children learn about the seasonal changes in science. We have made our own rain gauges to collect and measure the amount of rainfall this half term. Each week, the children will go out, check them and record the results.