EYFS 2024 - 2025

Mrs Peters

Mrs Peters

Miss Burke

Mrs Ilic

Mrs Ilic

Welcome to Foundation Stage!


Welcome to Spring 2 in EYFS! We have a jam packed half term with lots of wonderful learning planned. Our topic this half term is Traditional Tales, where we will share beloved classic stories including The Gingerbread man, The Three Little Pigs and many more! 

In Reception, we will be concentrating on developing number knowledge up to 10 as well as investigating spatial reasoning and shape. We will also continue to develop our phonic knowledge to support and extend early reading and writing, through our Traditional Tale topic. Reading books will be changed every MONDAY and THURSDAY. Please ensure the reading diary is signed, so books can be changed. PE will be every Tuesday with Salford Red Devils. 

In Nursery we will be continuing with Phase 1 phonics, developing our listening and attention skills and developing our segmenting and blending skills. In maths we will be focusing on measure, learning about capacity, weight and height/length. PE will be every Friday - please ensure that your child comes to school wearing a PE kit. 


Thank you as always for your continued support!

If you have any questions, please email us at

h.burke@abbott.manchester.sch.uk - Nursery

r.peters@abbott.manchester.sch.uk - Reception

e.ilic@abbott.manchester.sch.uk - EYFS Lead/Reception

Thank you as always for your continued support and cooperation.

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EYFS: Blog items

Balance Scales, by Miss Burke

Pancake Day!, by Miss Burke