Class 5 2024 - 2025
Ms Johnson
Welcome back to Class 5!
Dear parents/carers,
Welcome back! We hope you all had a restful half-term break and your children are ready to learn in this very busy half term. I am very pleased to be back with your children after having such a wonderful time with them in Year 4!
As a school, we have a huge focus on reading to ensure that the children make excellent progress. The children must be reading every day and bringing in their reading books and records every day, as we will be listening to them read as often as possible.
PE will be on Tuesday and Thursday. I recommend that your child brings their PE kit into school on a Monday and then takes it home on a Friday.
Swimming is on a Thursday afternoon. All children must bring their swimming kits with them each week.
Morning Routine
Your child is expected to be in the playground and lined up with their class by 08:45 when the school day starts. They will be greeted by their class teacher, who will then lead them into the classroom. Once 08:55 is reached, classroom doors will be closed, and children must enter through the main reception door, as learning will be well underway.
We can answer any quick questions at the door but if you have anything more in depth you want to discuss, then please send me an email or ring the school so that we can arrange time for this.
Kind regards,
Miss Johnson
Class 5: Blog items
Class 5: Calendar items
School closes for the Easter Holidays, by Ms Melling
School opens 08:45, by Ms Melling
School closes for half term 15:15, by Ms Melling