Class 1 2024 - 2025
Miss Henderson
Welcome to Class 1!
Welcome back. I hope you've all had a restful half-term break. This half-term there are quite a few changes to the timetable, so please do make sure you read the newsletter. We also welcome Miss Harvey to Class 1, whom the children will already be familiar with. She is completing her teacher training degree with us and will be teaching alongside me.
The children have been excellent at remembering to bring their reading book bags in daily; let's ensure this continues! It is so important that you encourage your child to read regularly. The books the children bring home have keywords for you to discuss and questions to ask your child about what they have read. Your child's reading book will be changed on Mondays and Thursdays, and their library book will be changed on Mondays.
PE will be on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, but this could change depending on events. I recommend that your child bring their PE kit to school on Monday and then take it home on Friday.
Morning Routine
Your child is expected to be in the playground and lined up with their class by 08:45 when the school day starts. They will be greeted by their class teacher, who will then lead them into the classroom. Once 08:55 is reached, classroom doors will be closed, and children must enter through the main reception door, as learning will be well underway.
If you have any further questions, please email me at
Class 1: Blog items
Class 1: Calendar items
School closes for the Easter Holidays, by Ms Melling
School opens 08:45, by Ms Melling
School closes for half term 15:15, by Ms Melling